Friday, June 23, 2006


I know this post is long overdue considering school has been out a month, but...

It's official.

Austin is going to Middle School! Of course I'm glad he passed, but this will be such a difference for him. You know, the class changing, bullies, puberty, more responsibilites, etc...
I hope he does well. I'm sure he will, but there is always that fear that he will start running with the "wrong crowd" and become some sort of thug!
Hopefully I did my job as a parent some what and he will know better and actually use his knowledge of what is right and wrong and won't fall to the peer pressure!
Wish us the best!


Blogger Kelley said...

We're right there with you...hopefully the kids will come out of it all well without having fallen to the power of peer pressure. Only time will tell...

Good luck to Austin!

7:01 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Hard to believe he's this old already! Just doesn't seem right. But Austin will be fine. (Or you'll beat him until he is, LOL!)

1:18 PM  

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