Thursday, May 04, 2006


I have been watching a lot of the Animal Cop shows lately. I have come to the conclusion that I need to stop!!!! The more I watch, the more I cry and get pissed off! It just amazes me at how cruel people can be to animals. Why do people get animals they know they can’t take care of? Or why do they get them just to mistreat them? I realize that some people get animals with good intentions, but if they realize they can’t take care of them, then why don’t they give them to someone who can instead of leaving them to starve and die??? What also is sad is that a lot of times Animal Control can’t prove who the owners are and no one can be punished for it. WHY, WHY, WHY???

(It seems that the older I get the easier it is for me to cry. I can watch a damn commercial or read an email and tear up! What the hell!!!! What has happened to me? I use to NEVER cry, especially over something on TV. You would think I was suffering from post pardon depression or something.)


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