Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Let's get back to me in this lifetime.

My weekend was great and stressful all in the same. To sum it up, we had a baseball tournament this past weekend here in our area. For once in a long time we didn't have to travel anywhere. The team came to us!!! (Austin plays on a tournament team from a town 3 hours away and we usually have to do the traveling).
I set the team up at a very nice, private place here in our town that I never even knew existed. I found it on the internet!! WOW..what a trip!!!
ANYWAY - It was beautiful. Instead of a hotel, the kids were free to run around like crazy while not playing games. They didn't have to worry about being quiet and not running due to the fear of being to loud and bothering other guests. IT WAS GREAT!!!!!

Stressful part was the actual games. I always weird out when they play because of obvious reasons. It's competitive ball and we want to win. Of course that should be the way it works right???? Well needless to say, that was not the way it worked this time. Some of the kids acted as though they had never picked up a baseball before. VERY STRESSFUL when you have some that want to be there and do their best. It was heartbreaking!!!!! Maybe they just wanted to be back at the cabin having a fun time fishing, hiking and so forth that they forgot the reason they were here!
They actually placed 3rd, but could have won the whole thing if they would have tried!!!!

Here is a picture that I took of Austin while on 3rd base working on stealing home.

Here is another picture that I took of him sitting in the dugout while they batted. He was actually sitting with a buddy and they are both in the picture, but I cropped it so you could see his eyes. I love the way they look in this picture.

You all know that he didn't get that eye color from me. That is his daddy made over!!!!


Blogger YankeeAmanda said...

Wow, he is amazingly photogenic! And you're right, gorgeous eyes!

10:03 AM  

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