Monday, November 28, 2005

Aimee Deserves a Round of Applause FOR BEING FIRED!!!!

I know that this sounds a little strange, but...

I found out that my bud that I used to work with, and love dearly, was fired today. You may think that I'm crazy for praising her, but let me just say that she is going to be better off and she is very well aware of this!!!!! I wish all of my good friends would leave there and let the ones that make it miserable drown in their own pool of self riotousness!
So much backstabbing, no rewards, just want - want - want and no give. It's hard to work at a place like that, but you deal and go on because you love what you do and SOME of the people you work with make it worth it.
Aimee is so talented in so many areas and they will regret making that decision I believe.
I sound bitter, but I have my reasons!

KUDOS TO AIMEE!!!! I loved the "Kiss My Ass" on your post!!!! That says it all.

~~~I loved my job when I worked with all of my buds and when I was fired, I was devastated! It literally broke my heart. I was not going to get to spend my days with some amazing people not to mention the creative outlet it supplied me with. I lost all of that. I no longer get to do graphic design on a daily basis and it sucks! I still have my photography and barely have time for that due to my non related 8-5 job that I am now doing, that I dislike BTW! There's nothing wrong with what I am doing, it's just not what I WANT to be doing.
I will say that I am very appreciative toward my last job for the opportunity that it provided. I started out in the lowest entry level position possible and WORKED my way to become a graphic artist and photographer. BUT I owe this to people that believed in me and my abilities and who didn't give up on me. Jackie, Kelley, & Dianne. These ladies believed in me and gave me their time to teach me so that I could make something out of myself. I'm not sure how they convinced the bossman to put me in that position, especially considering that I am only a high school graduate that had very little computer skills. SO THANK YOU LADIES!!!!

Then to Aimee who still believed in me and stood up for me when all of the backstabbers where trying to take me out!!! I just don't understand why people have to be so cut throat and ugly about every situation just because they can't have their way about everything. GROW UP!

I left there very disappointed in myself thinking that I should have handled things a little bit differently, but I now realize that it doesn't matter because they actually did me a favor! Oh how I do miss my friends so much, but I have realized that there are so many more opportunities out there when you have friends like I do that help you believe in yourself. I will eventually get back into the work I love to do and who knows, maybe I will get to work with some of these great friends again.

You have put up with my ranting and raving, I hope I didn't bore you!


Blogger Aimee H Shaw said...

I got a Kudos! lolol
Thanks! and it really DID work out better for both of us! Now if we could just get Jackie and Mel and Rotel out of there.....

6:35 AM  

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