Friday, November 18, 2005

Why Do Old People Stare????

Now I just love old people, although I used to be scared of them when I was younger, but
I just don't get it. Am I that freaking weird looking that people feel the need to stare at me especially old farts???? Now I live in the South and I was raised a good ole country girl that shows her manners to her elders, but at times I just want to say "WHAT THE F%$#ARE YOU STARING AT OLD GEEZER!!!!"
Let me back up and give you an example. I went to the local grocery store the other night and there was this old gentleman standing there, so I walked by and politely smiled and said, "How are you?" He responded with a smile and said just fine young lady. That was that! I moved on and continued to shop. Well you would have thought I gave this old man some kind of gesture or something because every corner I turned he was there staring at me!
I just kept shopping and continued to the check out. I'll be damned, but that old fart got in the check out line with me and eyeballed me the whole time!
Now this isn't the first time I have had old people react to me strangely. It doesn't matter if they are male or female, but they just stare at me when I walk by them.
- What do you think they are thinking?

~ Shame on that girl for dressing like that!
~ I wish I was young again?
~ I hate young people!
~ She should be ashamed of herself to have a hickie on her neck like that! (I have a birth mark on my neck that draws some attention to the people that don't know me)
~ That girl is going to die at a young age if she doesn't loose some of that weight!

Someone please tell me something!


Blogger Aimee H Shaw said...

They are looking at your boobs......dumbass.....

6:47 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

LOL....Maybe your watermelon head, or your man-back or thick ankles!

{To anyone who doesn't know, these are things Pam says about herself. I think her head and everything else is perfectly normal!}

7:01 AM  
Blogger Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

They don't stare, they are just sllooowwww ttthhhiiinnnkkkeeerrrsss.

4:40 PM  

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