Sunday, September 18, 2005

Lazy Terds

My two lazy terds doing what they do best when they aren't chasing each other!!!Copper loves to pester Kali by chasing her all over the house until she finally just turns around and swats his nose. He then leaves her alone and will just mosey around until he finds something of mine or Austins to tear up. His favorite things are my and Austins shoes!!! But that's ok, that just means that I get to buy more!!!


Blogger Aimee H Shaw said...

Awww - Ho Kitty! :O)
And Copper is SO BIG!
BTW - you think you coulda found an uglier shirt to wear in your "About Me" photo? lolololol

6:01 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Sweet little Callie. To bad she's a slut, LOL!

12:03 PM  

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