Sunday, September 18, 2005

Austin Swimming

I have been begging Austin to take swim lessons for years and he never would do it. He has always been afraid of the deep end. Well a couple of months ago he went to Greenville to spend a couple of days with the tournament baseball team he is on for practices because of an upcoming tournament in Jackson. I met everyone in Jackson on Saturday for the tournament. Sunday morning Austin got up early to go "swimming" with some of his buddies. I didn't think much about it because he always just hangs out in the shallow end while the other kids are diving and jumping and so forth. Image my surprise when I go to the pool to watch the kids and Austin says, "Hey Mom, WATCH THIS!" He jumped his little butt right into the deep end, surfaced and took off like he'd been doing it for years. I couldn't believe it! I told Reagan (he was at her house while in Greenville) that I needed to send ATL to her house more often. I don't know who actually taught him, but I am certainly appreciative. I do know that one of the assistant coaches, David, had been working on him and I think that he gave ATL what he needed to make it work!!!


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